如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2021年11月17日

The Search: Does Alien Life Exist?

展览贡献者:博士. 娜塔莉·卡布罗尔博士. 赛斯肖斯塔克, Paul Thies


在这期《正规博彩十大网站排名》节目中,我们采访了两位来自著名的SETI研究所的专家,他们的热情是倾听星星的声音,寻找新生命 Dr. 娜塔莉卡布罗尔, Director of the Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe and Dr. 赛斯肖斯塔克,资深天文学家. We asked Nathalie and Seth to expound on topics such as, “如果有智慧生命存在, why has it been so hard for us to find any evidence of it?"; "What kinds of advances in technology will be needed to discover life among the stars?"; and "What can extreme environments on Earth teach us about the potential presence of life on other planets?"

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Dr. 娜塔莉卡布罗尔

娜塔莉卡布罗尔 是一名天体生物学家,也是SETI研究所卡尔·萨根研究中心的主任,她领导了一个新的多学科路线图,将天体生物学和SETI联系起来. She has a background in planetary and environmental sciences, and 天体生物学. Her research focuses on the 探索 of habitability and life beyond Earth. 她发表了470多篇同行评议的出版物和专业会议记录,并撰写了三本书和10章关于行星科学和探索的书籍, 天体生物学, and terrestrial extreme environments. Nathalie is the recipient of NASA and other research awards. She is a Carey Fellow (Wings Worldquest Women of Discovery - Air and Space, 2007), and a Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences since 2016. She was honored to present the Sagan Lecture at AGU in December 2016. 娜塔莉已经就行星科学主题做了400多次公开演讲, 探索, and the search for life beyond Earth, 包括2015年的一次TED演讲. 2018年3月,《正规博彩十大网站排名》刊登了她的工作和生活肖像. 娜塔莉保持着女子高空跳水世界纪录(水肺和自由潜水)。.

Dr. 赛斯肖斯塔克

赛斯肖斯塔克 声称在十岁的时候就对外星生命产生了兴趣, when he first picked up a book about the Solar System. This innocent beginning eventually led to a degree in radio astronomy, 现在, 作为资深天文学家, Seth is an enthusiastic participant in the Institute’s SETI observing programs. 除了, Seth热衷于推广活动:让公众——尤其是年轻人——对科学产生兴趣, 尤其是天体生物学. 他与人合著了一本关于天体生物学的大学教科书,并撰写了三本关于SETI的商业书籍. 除了, 他发表了400多篇受欢迎的科学文章,包括定期为NBC新闻撰稿, gives many dozens of talks annually, and is the host of the SETI Institute’s weekly science radio show, “大图景科学”.”